Notre Grand Bleu

The association's vision is to preserve Mediterranean marine life and the human activities that depend on it in order to ensure a sustainable future for our “Big Blue” (the Mediterranean Sea).

What you can see

Training and environmental awarness session , visit to the island of kuriat for the children of the members of the mutual security corps of the head of the state and official personalities


Celebration of INSTM's Centenary: Exchange and Innovation for Marine Environment Protection

We are delighted to announce that we participated today in the celebration of the hundredth of the National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies ( INSTM) at Carthage Salammbô. 
Our association has presented services and projects in…

Fair dedicated to the creations of people with special needs

 Celebrate International Education Day!

Under the patronage of CGPM, and on the occasion of the closing of the "Celebrate Islands" project, we celebrate not only the power of education, but also our commitment to a sustainable and…

Information day on the results of sea turtle nesting monitoring on the beaches of Ghadhabna in Mahdia.

The Association Notre Grand Bleu, in partnership with the Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer de Monastir (INSTM) and the Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas(SPA/RAC), organized an information day , Monday…

Deputies training

The Ministry of the Environment launched study days on the environment and ecological transition in collaboration with the "Notre Grand Bleu" association in Monastir from February 16 to 18, 2024. The event, supervised by the Minister of the…

CARE Training

Bird training for NGB Junior members

Scientific diving training for INAT students

 On January 26, 2024, the "Notre Grand Bleu" Association welcomed students from the Institut National des Sciences Agronomiques de Tunis and representatives from SPA/RAC to the Centre Méditerranéen de Formation en Environnement in Monastir.

Monitoring the lower limits of Posidonia meadows in Monastir Bay

The Notre Grand Bleu team shares its latest missions with you: a training camp to prepare beacons and a survey of the Posidonia oceanica seagrass following the planting operation carried out as part of the MIAREM project.

Posidonia plays an…

Invasive species training for NGB Junior members

As part of capacity building for our junior NGB members, a special training course on invasive species, a major challenge for marine biodiversity, was held at the Centre Méditerranéen de Formation en Environnement. NGB juniors had the chance to…

Formation sur la biodiversité marine

Semaine du grand bleu 9 édition Junior

The new edition of "Semaine Grand Bleu 9 - Édition Spéciale Juniors" got off to an enthusiastic start. The participants took part in fascinating courses on marine biodiversity, invasive species and ecosystem protection. They also had the…

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