
Notre Grand Blue is a scientific ecological association. Its creation was declared on 06/09/2012 in the official journal of the Tunisian Republic number 69.

Its vision is to preserve Mediterranean marine life and the human activities that depend on it in order to ensure a sustainable future for our “Grand Bleu” (the Mediterranean Sea). NGB's mission is to protect the marine environment, to raise awareness among young schoolchildren and high school students on the importance of safeguarding our sea and our marine natural resources by touching on the importance of Mediterranean marine biodiversity as well as the protection of endangered or protected species and on the other hand on the impact of marine pollution and the biodegradability of waste in the sea.

The Objectives of NOTRE GRAND BLEU

  1. Promote a culture of ecological awareness among citizens and encourage them to safeguard natural resources.
  2. Work on the protection of the coastline against the threats of uncontrolled ecological disruptions. 
  3. Work on the protection and activation of (draft) laws to combat marine pollution
  4. Raise awareness among sailors and fishermen about the dangers threatening the sea due to pollution and unsustainable fishing.
  5. Exchange experiences and promote partnerships between local and international associations with common interests.
  6. Organize excursions, meetings, conferences and workshops regionally, nationally and internationally to present ecological problems and ways to address them.

Les missions de NOTRE GRAND BLEU 

Protéger l'environnement marin à travers la sensibilisation des jeunes écoliers et lycéens pour la sauvegarde de la biodiversité 

Promouvoir les bonnes pratiques pour le développement d'un comportement rationnel de la population 

Œuvrons à la lutte contre l'usage abusif des ressources halieutiques et la population industrielle 

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