Information day on the results of sea turtle nesting monitoring on the beaches of Ghadhabna in Mahdia.

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The Association Notre Grand Bleu, in partnership with the Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer de Monastir (INSTM) and the Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas(SPA/RAC), organized an information day , Monday 18 December , 2023, on the results of monitoring sea turtle nesting on the beaches of Ghadhabna in Mahdia.

Ghadhabna is considered an important nesting site for loggerhead turtles, since the number of nests this season reached 30, which is considered a new discovery for the year 2023.

In this context, we mentioned the difficulties of the field work, in addition to the dangers that threaten the lives of sea turtles.

Which must be preserved and protected by the efforts of all concerned to ensure a better future for sea turtles.

The day ended with an open discussion on points that could be improved and developed. Many thanks to all the guests for their presence and their interest in environmental issues and the preservation of biodiversity.

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